Cupcake Bouquet and Flower Boxes


Each Cupcake Bouquet contains 7 standard-sized, cupcakes in a combination of White chocolate Raspberry, Dark Chocolate, Caramel, and Red Velvet. Hand-piped with Vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream in your choice of colour scheme.  Presented in a black flower Posy Box, filled with colour-coordinated tissue paper and finished with a professional Infinity bow, it will look just like a Bouquet of flowers.

Each Cupcake Flower Box contains 15 standard-sized, cupcakes in a combination of White chocolate Raspberry, Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Red Velvet and Lemon Curd. Hand-piped with Vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream in your choice of colour scheme.  Presented in a rectangular gift box, filled with colour-coordinated tissue paper and finished with a professional Infinity bow.

As usual, all our allergy options are available: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Gluten, and Dairy-Free and Vegan.



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Additional information

Bouquet Style

Cupcake Bouquet, Cupcake Flower Box

Bouquet Colours

Pretty in Pink, Peach and Apricot Fuzz, Spring has Sprung Yellow, Lavender Love

Any Allergies

No allergies, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Gluten and Dairy-free, Vegan


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